Oceans stand pale and placid -
We once sung about the water of life
in cold school hall assemblies.
But as I meander down this flow,
I wonder what happens when we go?
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flying high and surrendering low.
February 23, 2020
Unused swords rust
like your feather quill,
dipped in dry ink,
that scars the paper;
leaving marks that do not last,
merely dent the page,
when words were meant
to cut through.
You ask for the world,
but you don’t have to.
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you kneel, exhausted,
- after Chen Chen
Rest among the samphire.
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Vex the sand. Disrupt it. Become it.
Crunch it between your toes.
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Go far. Go farther.
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November 6, 2019
today is no different to yesterday
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because his trousers still crumple (no matter how they are hung),
because he still has a hair for every
thinning, grey year he stays alive.
he wonders if cafes mock him
for always lea...
October 17, 2019
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September 30, 2019
Today, we have just released our first print edition of Iceberg Tales for online pre-orders!
Thank you to everyone who has supported the project, contributors and friends, and we hope you enjoy our celebration of poetry and short stories in print.
Pre-orders will...
August 14, 2019
When Smyrna fell, we rose from the chairs
our grandfather made and grew unsure
what to call ourselves. We—who’d always
broken bread with them and stuttered
strange Turkish vowels—
found ourselves nervous at the picture
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leaping at the...
July 28, 2019
There was no doubt he’d changed. People felt repelled by him. His instinct had become rage. He knew it, but pretended he didn’t. Everyone he met felt the heat. Something could go off at any minute. People don’t need that. People seek the shadows when fires burn t...
June 26, 2019
They are never so beautiful as now:
lanter 专业版安卓破解版
a succession of small startles
shining in the dun matt sand.
Blown bubbles wander up
from the waveline, skate on waterfilm
which holds the piebald sky,
the adolescent April sun.
I walk on blue-white heavens.
I b...